Taking a flexible approach to creating valuable lateral residences
We have a proven track record of airspace development, providing value to freeholders and leaseholders of blocks across London.
A flexible approach to ensure alignment of interests with residents and Freeholders. Improving the longevity, sustainability and safety of buildings.
Off-site modular construction methods catalyse sustainable time efficient development and reduces on site time and disruption. Reducing risks and running costs while improving building design quality, asset value and fire safety.
Developing above live buildings, sequencing façade, reception, landscape and communal areas improvements within live building sites is a complex process that requires detailed technical knowledge, experience and open and constant communication with stakeholders. LandCap has deep experience in the space of navigating the array of logistical complications inherent in delivering Penthouse projects.

Futureproofing buildings, building large sinking funds to insulate owners from future costs, improving utilities, services and infrastructure.
Our in-house construction team ensures clear control of the construction process and efficient delivery.

Inhouse Construction
LandCap Penthouse has an inhouse construction delivery entity within the group that allows for efficient delivery, cost and quality control and accountability to work through the development and remain on hand to attend to the block post practical completion.

Depth of experience
Partners with 40+ combined years managing penthouse developments, navigating the various issues inherent in building above live blocks. Repositioning numerous blocks around Prime Central London since 2008.

Well funded
The group is well capitalised itself with its own resources to finance its developments and has long established banking relationships for senior funding where required.

Improving the fire safety of blocks to ensure they are brought up to modern fire safety and building regulation standards. Further upgrading the infrastructure, gates, intercom systems and physical security of blocks to ensure residents are kept safe from risks including criminality and antisocial behaviour.

Repositioning buildings, enhancing design, aesthetic and amenity generates significant value to existing apartments. [30% average increase in existing apartment value on previous schemes]

Increasing thermal efficiency and energy consumption within existing blocks, using sustainable methods and materials to adhere to modern sustainability standards and lower running costs throughout the block, improving building services, removing risk of failure and improving reliability.